Remap Center

Ghost Alarm

What are Ghost Alarms?

The Ghost alarm is a unique device for your vehicle that offers maximum security without the need for cutting wires or adding after-market key fobs. The alarm immobilises your vehicle quietly and immediately which stops any potential intruder in the event of an attempted theft.

It is a device like no other and has frequently be mentioned as the securest and safest vehicle alarm ever made. Combine that with the fact that this device is exclusive to only a few accredited service centres, the team here at The Remap Center are ready to help you.

How does it work?

It’s a completely undetectable form of security for your vehicle and is unaffected by some of the more modern practices used by thieves. The alarm is simple to disarm, using a unique pin code system that only you are able to select. However, should you need to take your car for a service or MOT, you are able to change the mode of the device to ‘valet’, allowing for the vehicle to be driven without comprising security.

The Ghost is integrated into the vehicle’s CAN data network. It uses a PIN code to disarm the system. This is a sequence of between 4 and 20 presses utilising the steering wheel buttons, the centre console and armrest buttons. Once you have entered the correct code, the dash will display confirmation and start the engine of the vehicle. Once the ignition is turned off, the ghost alarm automatically re-arms itself. The PIN sequence can be changed at any time, should you wish. Our experts at The Remap Center will run you through the process in full and answer any questions that you may have.

Reduce your insurance costs

Having a vehicle immobiliser installed is sure to reduce your car insurance cost in most cases. Most Insurance companies will offer a discounted rate, as it shows responsible ownership and has less likelihood of being stolen. The Ghost Immobiliser is now TASSA approved (Tracker and Aftermarket security systems association) as of March 2020.

What Protections does
The Ghost offer?

The device offers a range of security and protection for the vehicle, such as:

  • Prevents key cloning
  • Prevents ECU swapping
  • Hacking
  • Key theft
  • Will not give away its location
  • No radio frequency signals
  • No additional fobs are required
  • Silent – no relay operation
  • Your own PIN code unique to you
  • No separate platform to store your key data

All the above make the Ghost alarm the securest system on the planet right now for your vehicle.

How can I get one fitted?

The team at the Remap Center have been handpicked to be able to provide this fantastic device to its growing army of customers. The device can be installed on the same day so you can drive away with peace of mind.

Give us a call to have a chat with one of our experts and find out how quickly you can get the Ghost installed for your vehicle on 0208 305 0503 or feel free to fill out the form below.